KootNet Sensor Downloads

Current Version
Kootnet Sensors - 0.35.155 - Oct 18th, 2022

Kootnet Sensors

Kootnet Sensors Online Demo

Pre-made Raspberry Pi OS Images

I have created flashable Raspberry Pi OS images that come with Kootnet Sensors pre-installed. Python modules and the OS have also been updated (Oct 10th, 2021). I recommend using Etcher, as it is an easy way to flash images to an SD card on Windows, Mac or Gnu Linux. 

Image for Raspberry Pi zero & 1 (ARMv6)

Image for Raspberry Pi 2, 3 & 4 (ARMv7)


Manually Install or Update

Kootnet Sensors supports Debian Based Systems such as Debian, Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi OS.
Note: Only tested on Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu. Hardware Sensors only work when installed on Raspberry Pi OS.

Debian ‘Offline’ Installer
Debian ‘Online’ Installer
Installer MD5 Checksums

To install or update, download the Installer and double-click it. 
If you need to install or update from a command line terminal, use this command. 

wget -O KootnetSensors.deb https://github.com/chad-ermacora/kootnet-sensors/releases/download/0.35.114/KootnetSensors_0.35.114.deb && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install ./KootnetSensors.deb


To remove, use your system’s software center and look for kootnet-sensors or run the following command from a terminal.

sudo apt-get remove kootnet-sensors

Source Code

Here is the link to my GitHub Account.  All my KootNet Sensor Programs & Scripts are licensed under the GPL version 3

GitHub Page

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