Apparently my Zeitgeist Movement Link was out of date, and went to a very … not so pleasant site. I apologize for that. The link has been updated to its proper location. If you are wonder what the Zeitgeist Movement is about, it is a movement advocating the humane use of Science and Technology to create a peaceful and sustainable world for everyone.
I have added a section for a project I started a few months back with creating hardware Sensors with Raspberry Pi’s. This project has been getting me into some new areas of Technology that I pretty much avoided because I wanted to focus on more practical IT learning such as Scripting, Windows Server, Linux, etc. However, I’m really getting into some of these new areas, such as Programming, soldering (well.. Maybe I don’t ‘Like’ soldering, but I can do it now), web design and even documentation… well more code comments, but documentation will come later in my help files and walkthroughs. If Interested, check out the page and click the link to my personal Blog where I have been documenting my ideas, progress and changes.
In other business news, I have downsized my Clientele in order to give myself more time for family and personal projects, while maintaining a high work standard for the clients I have kept. Thanks to Managed Services, this is working very well.
Wishing all the best,